Sunday, January 19, 2014

December 2013

We are back and having more fun than EVER!  Quinn is running everywhere and climbing anything he can. 
All about the snow.
All boy- loved the snow!

Snow is slippery!

If I can't find Quinn- he's normally hiding behind the curtains!

These two...always playing rough.

 They love each other!

I must brag on my little guy- not one ornament broken or taken off the tree.   Woohoo go QUINN! 

 Quinn had his own tree that he loved playing with.
~Weekend in Branson, MO~
The Henry's and Montgomery's enjoyed a fun but "cold" weekend in Branson.  We went to Silver Dollar City and made fun memories. 

Tacky future Mr. and Mrs.

Tacky sweaters - check!

Quinn and Gigi riding the carousel.

Brooke and Isabel such troublemakers.
~Finally made it home~

Quinn was happy to be home by the fire and watching his Mickey.